
IamaprofessoremeritusatOlinCollege,PrincipalDataScientistatPyMCLabs,andtheauthorofThinkPython,ThinkBayes,ThinkStatsandotherbooks ...,AllenBenjaminDowney(bornMay11,1967)isanAmericancomputerscientistwhoiscurrentlyworkingasaPrincipalDataScientistatPyMCLabs.,ProfessorEmeritusatOlinCollege,authorofThinkPython,ThinkBayes,ThinkStats,andotherbooks.BlogauthorofProbablyOverthinkingIt.,WelcometoGreenTeaP...

Allen Downey

I am a professor emeritus at Olin College, Principal Data Scientist at PyMC Labs, and the author of Think Python, Think Bayes, Think Stats and other books ...

Allen B. Downey

Allen Benjamin Downey (born May 11, 1967) is an American computer scientist who is currently working as a Principal Data Scientist at PyMC Labs.

Allen Downey AllenDowney

Professor Emeritus at Olin College, author of Think Python, Think Bayes, Think Stats, and other books. Blog author of Probably Overthinking It.

Green Tea Press

Welcome to Green Tea Press, publisher of Think Python, Think Bayes, and other books by Allen DowneyTextbook Manifesto.


博客來搜尋,作者,關鍵字:Allen B. Downey,分類:全館,Think Data Structures:Java演算法實作和資料檢索,Think Complexity:複雜性科學與計算模型設計(第二版), ...


博客來搜尋,作者,關鍵字:Downey, Allen B.,分類:全館,Think Data Structures:Java演算法實作和資料檢索,Think Complexity:複雜性科學與計算模型設計(第二版), ...

Allen Downey (@AllenDowney) X

Author of Probably Overthinking It, Think Python, and Think Bayes. Emeritus Prof at Olin College, consultant with PyMC Labs.


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